Statement on Today’s Vote to Uphold the Veto of SB359

We applaud the vote in the North Carolina House of Representatives today that upheld the Governor’s veto of the anti-abortion bill S359. As we have been saying since this bill was first rushed through committee, S359 was not a bill based in medical science or fact. Instead, this bill engaged in inflammatory and misleading rhetoric designed to promote a false narrative about safe and legal abortion, criminalize doctors, and shame patients who access abortion care.

This kind of intentionally inflammatory rhetoric that bill supporters have engaged in subjects healthcare providers to potential violence and harassment, and has escalated harassment of patients at clinics around the state. We applaud the legislators who took a stand against this type of rhetoric.

Two weeks ago, people all across North Carolina showed up to rally in support of abortion access in response to the rash of abortion bans across the south. And tonight, people across the state are holding vigils to stand in solidarity with North Carolina residents and families who have been harmed by their lack of access to quality, affordable health care. Closing the health care gap in North Carolina should be the top priority of NCGA leadership, not pushing through inflammatory and unnecessary anti-abortion bills.

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This post was written by our Pro-Choice North Carolina Foundation