Who We Are

What We Do

We organize our thousands of activists across the state to raise our voices for access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare options, including abortion. Our activists work to change stigmatizing narratives around abortion and sexual and reproductive health, and to challenge misinformation. We will share our stories and voices with our communities, the media, and elected officials.

We work to advance local and state legislation to protect and expand reproductive freedom and abortion access in our state, and to prevent the passage of anti-abortion and regressive policies and laws. We work with our allies to ensure a North Carolina where everyone has the support, care, and resources they need to thrive.

We envision a world where people can access the full range of reproductive healthcare, including abortion, when they need it and the communities where they live. No one should be denied access to care because of income, zip code, age, or immigration status.

We hold elected officials accountable for advancing reproductive rights, health, justice, and abortion access for all North Carolinians.
Our History
- Sent more than 5,000 North Carolinians to the March for Women's Lives in Washington, DC.
- Endorsed 44 candidates for statewide office, 88% of whom were elected.
- Released Choosing Lies and Deception: Crisis Pregnancy Centers in North Carolina study.
- Increased the Women's Health Services Fund by $200,000, the first increase in public funds for family planning in 13 years.
- Instrumental in passing of legislation to correct medical inaccuracies and reduce bias against gays and lesbians in North Carolina’s sexuality education statute, the first piece of proactive legislation on reproductive health to get a vote in ten years.
- Inspired 67,300 North Carolinians to take action to defeat bills limiting contraceptive coverage and requiring notarized parental consent for reproductive health care and counseling.
- Oppose Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) law campaign launched.
- Passed 3 local resolutions calling for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment.
- Led the fight in North Carolina against Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Pro-Choice North Carolina Foundation
Pro-Choice North Carolina Foundation is our organization’s research, education, and outreach arm. Our Foundation works to support and protect access to all reproductive health care options and the ability for each North Carolinian to make reproductive health decisions that are best for them and their family. We advance our mission through advocacy, community education, and civic engagement. We work with policymakers to defend against anti-abortion attacks and advocate for policies that protect and advance reproductive rights. We also work to educate our community about the impacts of harmful restrictions, punishing policies, and stigma on the reproductive health and freedom of our communities.
Meet Our Staff
Board of Directors
Pro-Choice North Carolina
Lori Bunton, Secretary
Brittany Stapelfeld Lee
Jill Sergison, Chair
Ashley Simmons
Pro-Choice North Carolina Foundation
A. Jenna Beckham, MD, MSPH, FACOG, Chair
Jordin Dickerson
Harper Eisen
Chalina Morgan-Lopez
Heysoll Rodriguez
We are currently recruiting for new Board Directors for 2026! Learn more about our boards and view the board application.
Pro-Choice North Carolina PAC
Pro-Choice North Carolina PAC provides endorsements and helps elect candidates who support reproductive health, rights justice, and abortion access, and we work to actively defeat anti-abortion opponents.