Breaking Through Barriers: The Inspiring Journeys of Women in Politics

This post was written by our Pro-Choice North Carolina Foundation Board Member Harper Eisen.

As we race towards the 2024 election, history is once again being made with a woman on the top of a major party's Presidential ticket, for the second time in less than a decade. While this milestone reflects significant strides toward gender equity in politics—building on the legacies of trailblazers like Shirley Chisholm, Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris—it also serves as a reminder that these moments, while groundbreaking, are not enough to fully normalize gender equity in our political system. The fact that we are still counting these instances shows how far we have to go, and the barriers women face when running for office remain significant.

In a political landscape often fraught with obstacles, the discussion at the August 2024 North Carolina Conference for Women, featuring prominent women from North Carolina, offered both hope and practical insights for overcoming barriers to running for office. These leaders’ journeys—from battling entrenched gender norms to navigating systemic challenges—illuminate the resilience and persistence required to effect meaningful change in public life.

The Journey of Persistence and Courage

Representative Gloristine Brown’s story is a powerful testament to the impact of perseverance. Raised in a small, rural community with limited opportunities, Rep. Brown encountered numerous challenges from the start. Her journey began with a simple act of curiosity—attending local Commissioner meetings where she initially felt like an outsider. Despite facing resistance and skepticism from established politicians, her steadfast commitment and determination propelled her to become the first Black female member of her local Board of Commissioners and, later, the first Black mayor of Bethel, North Carolina. Rep. Brown’s experience highlights a vital lesson: resilience in the face of adversity can transform obstacles into opportunities.

Justice Allison Riggs’ journey to the North Carolina State Supreme Court exemplifies the internal and external struggles many women encounter. Initially reluctant to pursue a judicial career, Justice Riggs wrestled with self-doubt and societal expectations. The defining moment came with the 2022 Dobbs U.S. Supreme Court decision and its far-reaching implications for state-level judicial responsibilities. Despite the personal and professional challenges, Justice Riggs chose to embrace this demanding opportunity, underscoring the significance of stepping up even when it requires substantial sacrifice. Her story inspires us to confront internal barriers and seize pivotal moments to effect meaningful change.

Commissioner Nida Allam’s journey into politics began with grassroots work, a commitment that laid the groundwork for her political career despite significant challenges. Facing the negative stigma, racism, and Islmaphobia surrounding Muslims in politics, along with personal and financial concerns, she initially hesitated to enter the political arena. However, the tragic loss of friends in a hate crime served as a powerful catalyst, motivating her shift from community organizing to running for office. Commissioner Allam’s story illustrates the vital role of community support and the courage needed to confront societal norms and expectations. As the first Muslim woman and youngest county commissioner in North Carolina, her accomplishments underscore the importance of representation and the need to create opportunities for future generations.

The Common Thread: Overcoming Self-Imposed Barriers

A key theme that emerged from the discussion is the prevalence of self-imposed barriers. Each of these women faced not only external challenges but also internal doubts and fears. Whether it was the fear of inadequacy, the reluctance to step out of one’s comfort zone, or the struggle to balance personal and professional responsibilities, their internal dialogues often proved as formidable as any external obstacle. Their stories teach us that overcoming these self-imposed barriers is essential for anyone striving to make a difference in the political arena.

The Road Ahead

The inspiring journeys of these women also highlight systemic issues that must be addressed. Despite their remarkable achievements, they encountered significant hurdles, including entrenched biases and insufficient representation. These challenges reflect broader societal issues that must be confronted to create a more equitable and inclusive political landscape.

For aspiring women leaders and activists, the lessons from these stories are invaluable. They remind us that while the path to political engagement may be fraught with obstacles, persistence, courage, and community support are powerful tools for overcoming these challenges. Additionally, their experiences call us to action—to advocate for greater representation and equity in our political institutions.

As we reflect on these narratives in the context of the 2024 election, let us recognize the progress that has been made, but also the work that remains. By amplifying these voices and addressing both internal and external barriers, we can continue to pave the way for more inclusive and effective political participation. The stories of Representative Brown, Justice Riggs, and Commissioner Allam inspire us to challenge the status quo, break through barriers, and strive for a political landscape where everyone has a seat at the table.

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Breaking Through Barriers: The Inspiring Journeys of Women in Politics
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This post was written by our Pro-Choice North Carolina Foundation
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